Efeso Field Training FAQ

What does a typical week look like in the training?

Make sure and take a look at this page: A typical week in training

How can I get a visa to come to Italy?

The Search Party team will help you with this process. We have written details on the process to receive a visa and move to Italy. In addition, we have written other details on logistical details of immigrating and living in Italy.

How will I manage housing, transportation, communications, and other details once in Italy?

We have written a page on managing your housing, transportation, communications, and other logistics while in Italy. We have also written other details on logistical details of immigrating and living in Italy.

How much money should I budget to participate in the Efeso training?

We have created a sample budget here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QygrXZlvez8CM8LketOo7ylpHWMX-UHGAbMcL6Al95o/edit?usp=sharing

There will likely be a difference in the budget between your time in Catania during the Efeso Field Training and what you will spend when you move to your final location. Please be sure to account for these differences when you are budgeting for your move to your final location.

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