Field 2 Assignment


Before leaving your group, have each person take out a piece of paper and together with another person in groups of 2-3, share both their testimony and the Gospel using the three circles, following the patterns that you learned in the videos. Each person should practice 1-2 times apiece before leaving the group.

Sharing with others

You are now equipped and ready to share your faith with others. To do this, you should do these things:

  1. Pick at least one name from your Generation Map who is far from God and needs to hear about Jesus.
  2. Pray for this person now and ask God when is the right time for you to share with them.
  3. Write down the timing of your plan to share with them. Call or message your friend and set a time to meet!
  4. Pray again and ask God who he would like for you to train to share their testimony and share the Gospel.
  5. Write down the timing of your plan to share with them. Call or message this other friend and set a time to meet with them also!