Centro Agape takes it name from the Greek word “Agape” meaning the committed and covenant love of God for his people. We are driven by Paul’s words in 2 Cor 5:14-15 knowing that the Lord Jesus has died for all so that we might not live for ourselves but for him in all we do.

Centro Agape works to reach the various populations of immigrants and Italians in Rome through disciple-making, church planting, Italian and English language courses and community connecting events that seek to use the gifts of the locals churches with whom we partner.

Our church “Agape Internazionale” is connected with the Bridge house church network in New York City. We have started our own network of simple church leaders in Rome with the goal of starting at least one new church in every municipality of the city.

Centro Agape is also committed to training young adults and churches in the practice of mission and church planting. Through our partnership with local Italian churches and American churches and universities we seek to build up new missional leaders and missionaries to reach the continent of Europe and the world going forward. We do this through hosting short-term missional training weeks and through our summer and 9 month internship programs.

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