The Ten:Two team is named after Luke 10:2 where Jesus tells his disciples to ask for workers to be sent into God’s harvest field. Here is the specific quote:

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10:2

Just as Jesus commanded his disciples to pray for workers, we do the same even today. The Search Party team regularly prays for more workers to be sent into the harvest field and ask God to call more and more people to know Jesus and depend upon his for their salvation, and submit to him as their King.

What do we do?

When God sends workers into the harvest, we want to be faithful to prepare them and make them into the best workers that they possibly can be. To do this, we have developed a program to help individuals and teams enter the Lord’s harvest fields. Here are the programs that we currently offer:

Short-Term Teams

Short-Term Teams typically come to work with us for 1-2 weeks, sharing their testimonies, sharing the Gospel, and helping individuals take their first steps in discipleship to learn to follow Jesus. If you think that you might want to bring a group, head over to the link above to learn more about the trip, read the Trip Leader’s Guide, and propose your team using the link provided on the short-term team page.

Summer Internships

Internships take the next step by coming to work for 2-3 months during the summer months each year. The internship is a “taster” of what it is like to live and work alongside of the long-term team. In addition to sharing the Gospel and discipling people on a regular basis, you will also take language lessons twice per week and take on leadership responsibilities in helping to lead the ministry work, whether in the local ministry centers or in assisting to lead short-term teams while they visit and work with us.

Want to be a summer intern with us? Head over to the link above and sign up to join with us next summer!

Efeso Field Training

Efeso Field Training is a practical ministry training school designed to help new long-term workers settle in visa and residency documentation, housing, and language training, followed by an intensive cross-cultural training program designed to help each person get up and running in their ministry work quickly. Whether you want to join our team in Catania or move on to another location, we will help you take your first ministry steps through the Efeso program.

Want to learn more about our long-term worker program? We have positions available throughout the country, so we would love to talk with you more about how you can work with us!

What do we teach?

Through the course of each of the programs, the Ten:Two Team teaches a disciple-making and church planting process called the Four Fields. We have adapted the Four Fields process to our situation in working with immigrants and refugees and you can see the entire process in our Four Fields online training course.

In addition, we believe it is crucial to the growth of any person who makes disciples to understand the overarching story and themes presented in the Bible. God has revealed his plan through the scriptures but it is important that we understand His story through the lens of the Bible as one story, not individual scriptures that have been placed together. To aid in this process of understanding God’s Word in this way, we have published, and routinely teach to each individual and group that comes to work with us, the material from the Finding Your Purpose in God’s Plan course. Along with the Four Fields course, you can find it online, available for free.

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