This page outlines the values and goals of the coalition working together in partnership to use media to realize a discipleship and church planting movement. All partners within the coalition must affirm these values and goals by agreeing to them within the partnership agreement as well as in everyday word and deed.
We will pursue being disciples worth multiplying – We will practice abiding in Christ, loving God and other people, obeying Jesus’s commands, sharing God’s love and grace, and making disciples of Jesus with others. In these ways, we intend to first be disciples of Jesus that we can then multiply in others.
We define success as seeing an indigenously-led discipleship movement among multiple streams – meaning people groups and locations – and will pursue disciple and church planting multiplication to the fourth generation and beyond.
We use a Disciple-Making Movement strategy with reproducible tools and processes that are localized and appropriate for the people group that we are attempting to reach. The Search Party disciple-making tools will be taught in training and can be seen on this page.
We love the church that currently exists, but also have a vision for many new Biblically-based churches that are full of new disciples who are now reaching others.
We will commit to working toward making groups of disciples that will become churches instead of only attempting to reach individuals. We desire to see Biblically based, indigenously-led churches that make disciples of others and reproduce to create new churches among other non-believers.
We will share successes and failures in an attempt to learn together. We will communicate and humbly consider and implement feedback from coalition mobilizers and fellow practitioners.
We will provide consistent, thorough, and prompt reporting on all assigned contacts in order to enable partnership, assess progress, and plan strategically.
We will become familiar with and diligently use the Disciple Tools online tracking software.
We will commit to walking in the light and resolve conflicts using Biblical conflict resolution in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17.
- The individuals in conflict will meet together to discuss the problem and, if at all possible, determine a resolution.
- If the individuals are not able to resolve the problem, they should involve their Mobilizers, as needed, to assist in finding a resolution. The individuals in conflict will abide by the solution from the Mobilizers.
We will seek to be culturally relevant while ultimately believing that the proclaimed Gospel is the power of God for salvation for all who believe instead of “contextualized” strategies.
We commit to completing ongoing disciple-making training for the purpose of continuing to learn and improve our outreach and disciple-making skills.