Field 3Field 3 - Search Party Field 3 – Search Party

Field 3

As a team, we have looked for ways that we can continue to abide in Christ, as Jesus told his disciples that they must do. We pray together several days of the week but we wanted to also have a practice that can be consistently practiced across our teams in the field, as well as […]

Search Party uses a process called the Four Fields as a framework for entering new communities, sharing the Gospel, making disciples, starting churches, and developing leaders. We believe that this is a pattern that Jesus taught and that the apostle Paul also put into practice in his church planting efforts. Here is a video that […]

Search Party uses a process called the Four Fields to help us, and those that we train, to think about our steps through a process to share the Gospel, make disciples, start new churches, and raise up new leaders who will do the same. Here is a video that shows this process along with the […]

The Search Party team uses 3/3rds Groups for discipleship of both those who believe in Jesus (Green Light), as well as those who are still trying to understand who Jesus is (Yellow Light). Ecco il video in Italiano: Here are documents that you can use to lead Green Light discipleship lessons: Commands of Christ (6 […]

When we share our testimony or share the Gospel, there are several different types of reactions that others may have. In an attempt to help us know what to do next, we use a very simple tool called Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light. You can see it along with the transcript of the video […]

There are several different tools that we use for different types of purposes and in different situations. Let’s walk through these one step at a time, starting with the big picture and then working into the details. First, overall, we are trying to see the Great Commission Pipeline become a reality. You can see more […]