We may look at the results that the Apostle Paul achieved through his work and be astounded, and rightly so as Paul may be the most prolific church planter of all time. After being introduced to this study more than a year ago by some friends of ours in Athens, we have also dug into the story of how Paul planted churches in an effort that ultimately led him to say that there was no place left for him to work among an area that spanned possibly 15-20 million people.

The story starts back in Acts 2 and takes us to Acts 20 to understand how God’s plan to start his church and reach the nations came to fruition among the first Apostles.

In the same way, we believe that God also calls us to lead others to Christ, make disciples, and start multiplying churches. Paul had, of course, received gifts from the Holy Spirit, but he was also a man like us, called to follow Christ in the same way that we are today. Our prayer is that we may follow in his footsteps.

This video isn’t short, but we hope that it will provide a vision for how God desires disciples of Jesus to make disciples of Jesus and see new churches spring up among people across the globe. Hope you enjoy!

Interested to learn more? See the rest of the posts on Paul’s Journeys and then check out this post on the Four Fields which includes a video that describes further how Search Party implements the process that we see here in Paul’s Journeys.

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