The Ten:Two team is named after Luke 10:2 where Jesus tells his disciples to ask for workers to be sent into God’s harvest field. Here is the specific quote: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 […]

A few weeks ago, as part of our Band study, we were reading in 1 Corinthians and I came across this statement from Paul in chapter 15: But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If […]

Yesterday, a friend of mine and I went out for an hour on a prayer walk to the mosques around town. Ramadan has now started, so while we are routinely praying for the Muslims in our city, we wanted to make sure to go out “on location” to pray and ask God to move amongst […]

Search Party works amongst unreached people groups, today primarily amongst those that have made the journey out of their home countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. For those that come from sub-Saharan Africa, the first major geographical challenge is often the crossing of the Sahara desert. There aren’t any official statistics about […]

I’d like to share a story about a friend of mine. We’ll call him “K.” He comes from a northern African country and speaks perfect English. He is funny, very friendly, and always wearing a big, genuine smile. K is a Muslim. He wore that same smile as he told me he considers himself a […]

As a team, we have looked for ways that we can continue to abide in Christ, as Jesus told his disciples that they must do. We pray together several days of the week but we wanted to also have a practice that can be consistently practiced across our teams in the field, as well as […]

A couple of days ago, I listened to this podcast from Global Missions Podcast as I was driving between appointments. They were featuring and interviewing J.D. Payne, a missional theologian and teacher about a new book that J.D. had written talking about Apostolic Imagination. Here is the podcast if you would like to take a […]

A few weeks ago, we had a couple in our home that were training us to help us learn to help others find healing in Jesus for their trauma and difficulty in their lives. During one of our downtime discussions, my friend said something important. He said: You know, making disciples of Jesus isn’t a […]