Biblical Roadmap for Starting New ChurchesBiblical Roadmap for Starting New Churches - Search Party Biblical Roadmap for Starting New Churches – Search Party

Biblical Roadmap for Starting New Churches

Search Party uses a process called the Four Fields to help us, and those that we train, to think about our steps through a process to share the Gospel, make disciples, start new churches, and raise up new leaders who will do the same. Here is a video that shows this process along with the […]

Jesus said that, because he was given all authority on heaven and earth, his disciples should therefore go and make disciples for him among all of the nations. He didn’t call us to go make converts or believers. Instead, he said that we are to go make disciples. I believe that this is a core […]

I think it is safe to say that the most prolific church planter that we can read about in the scriptures was the Apostle Paul. He started many churches where there were no churches before and taught new disciples to do the same. As a result, as we think about a Biblical Roadmap for Starting […]

Jesus said something that I believe is very important as we think about people coming to Christ and new communities of believers beginning to form. Jesus said: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day…” John 6:44 As we have […]

Over the last year, I have been reading through the Gospels and the book of Acts in an attempt to understand how Jesus and his disciples thought about starting new churches.  It seems clear that Jesus intended believers to live out their faith in community, and both Peter and Paul, the primary leaders that we […]