The message is simple: unity is paramount. Whether we are talking about avoiding division because of alignment to different leaders in the church, division because of socioeconomic status, division as a result of rebellion against authority, division over legal rights and religious knowledge, or any other type of division, the message is the same. Put all of these things aside to align yourself with Christ and instead of fighting such that you end up dividing, fight for unity.

Paul made a metaphor and called us the body of Christ. One part of a body cannot tell another part that it isn’t needed. One part of a body cannot tell another that it isn’t wanted. No, a body needs all of the parts of the body.

The church is the body of Christ:

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

1 Corinthians 12:27

There are different parts of the body. Just like a human body that has arms, legs, a head, muscles, and various organs that make the systems of the body function, the body of Christ also has different parts that function differently but yet all function together.

No part of a body would work well without the other part and no part of the body would want to lose any other part of the body. Not only would there be incredible pain, there would be a lack of function. There would be something missing in the normal function of the way that the body should work, in the way that it was designed to work.

In the same way, in the body of Christ, we are all designed to have a role and every part is necessary. Every part is required. If we lose a part, there would be incredible pain, incredible anguish. And the body would no longer function as it should. The body would no longer function is the way that it was designed to work.

Each part of the body has a role. Each part of the body of Christ has a gift that it has been given. Do not hold back your function, your role, in the body of Christ. And do not reject the function, the role in the body of Christ of others.

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