When we share our testimony or share the Gospel, there are several different types of reactions that others may have. In an attempt to help us know what to do next, we use a very simple tool called Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light. You can see it along with the transcript of the video below.

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Welcome back to the disciple-making training sessions.  In this session, we will talk about what should happen next, after you have initially met with someone on your Generation Map and shared your Testimony, the Three Circles, or both with them.  By doing these things, you can begin to determine the next steps that you will take with this person.

To do this, we will use the idea of a stoplight.  On a stoplight, you have three different colors of lights:  A red light, a yellow light, and a green light.

You would consider the person a Red light if you have shared your Testimony or the Three Circles with someone on your Generation Map and they have rejected the message or maybe have just told you that they are not interested.  In that case, you might ask them if you can pray for them, but at the end of your time, you should plan to move on to the next person on your Generation Map.

You will know that they are a Yellow light if you have shared with someone on your Map and they act like they are not sure whether what you are saying is true or not.  If they seem to be asking questions or seem to want to learn more, they are probably a Yellow light and you should ask them if they would like to meet again to read and discuss the scriptures to learn more.  We will discuss how you can start this process in a future video, but for now, you should just set a time and place to meet again!

And finally, you will know that they are a Green light if you shared with someone on your Map and they have said that they believe what you are telling them.  In that case, you should meet with them to start the first discipleship lessons, including Repentance and Belief and Baptism. Similar to the Yellow Light, make sure to set a time and place to meet again!  We will talk about starting the Commands of Christ discipleship lessons in a future video.

As you are sharing with someone on your Generation Map and you realize that they are believers in Jesus, you want to think of this person just like a Green Light.  Plan to meet as soon as possible to start the Commands of Christ discipleship lessons.

With this process, you can begin to determine how to move forward with the people that you will meet.  We hope and pray that there will be many who will decide to follow Jesus, and that they will go on to teach others to do the same!

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