There are several different tools that we use for different types of purposes and in different situations. Let’s walk through these one step at a time, starting with the big picture and then working into the details.

First, overall, we are trying to see the Great Commission Pipeline become a reality. You can see more on our version of this here:

One thing to note is that this version is simplified, looking at an individual location without looking at the entire bigger picture from a Home Hub to a Field Hub, etc. You can see the entire Home-to-Field-and-Beyond process over on YouTube with Troy Cooper’s video by the same name.

In addition, you may find that this Training Guide will help provide some information about what the training and coaching process looks like over time from one step to the next.

Next, as we train, disciple, and coach new, potential disciple-makers, we are hoping to see them develop in their leadership capabilities. From the first step of sharing the Gospel up to gathering and leading churches, training and leading new church planters, and beyond, we are looking for leaders to emerge. Here are the levels of leadership that we are seeing develop as this process happens:

You can also see this well-done document describing the levels as well as this Local Partner Map which can be used in getting started identifying potential partners.

Next, we start with the basics in disciple-making. The first training – the “Catalytic Training” component discussed in the Great Commission Pipeline video above – that we would provide for people who are interested include:

Note that The 4-1-1 is actually a package of tools and contains within it several components, including Our identity in Christ, Generation Map, 15-Second Testimony, and The Three Circles. We did also create a Guide for leading 3/3rds Groups that may be helpful for new folks.

Finally, as we think about the disciple-making process, we use a tool called the Four Fields. It is a tool to help us think through the process with people who are wanting to be disciple-makers.

We have also translated some of the tools in other languages. Here are some of those:



There are additional tools and items referenced within all of this that we will continue to make available over time and will be added here, but these are the basic disciple-making tools and ideas that we use to get started. More to come!

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