Making DisciplesMaking Disciples - Search Party Making Disciples – Search Party

Making Disciples

As a team, we have looked for ways that we can continue to abide in Christ, as Jesus told his disciples that they must do. We pray together several days of the week but we wanted to also have a practice that can be consistently practiced across our teams in the field, as well as […]

Over the last few years, I have found that one of the most spirited discussions that I could have with other Christians is that of baptism. To give you an example, here are some of the questions that we have discussed: Who can baptize another person? At what point should a person be baptized? How […]

In Luke 10, we see Jesus send out his disciples. Very often, we find that Jesus does his ministry work in a way that is different from how we might think to do it, but this story is a strange one indeed. Reading through the story initially, it appears that Jesus is sending his disciples […]

Jesus suffered for his people so that he could offer them eternal life. He humbled himself to become a man here on earth and then hung on the cross as a blood sacrifice, taking our punishment upon himself for our sins. The Apostle Paul understood this gift of grace and mercy very well and it […]

I have frequently heard people speak about the parable that Jesus told, recorded in Matthew 13 and Mark 4, about the four different types of soil. Here is what Jesus said, as Matthew recorded it in chapter 13: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along […]

Jesus’s disciples asked him why he taught the people in parables instead of speaking to them directly and in a way that would be more plain to them. Jesus explained that the secrets of the kingdom of God were meant to be given to the disciples, but not to the rest of the people. As […]

A few years ago, we met together as a team on a retreat outside of our city. A friend came to help guide the team through a series of discussions, several of which were challenging because they were touching on some of the points where we hadn’t yet agreed and confirmed together how we would […]